Santa Fe Retreat

16 Women

Ecstatic Freedom & Embodied Leadership


APRIL 12-19, 2019

This one week retreat for just 16 women is a journey into your heart, to expand your freedom & leadership while living & working in alignment with your values and desires. We’ll gather in sacred circle for ceremony and masterminding, we’ll adventure and play, and you’ll walk away with greater clarity & aliveness.

During our time together, we’ll gather together in the space of safe, supportive and loving sisterhood, to look at our lives and work with a 360° lens. This is an opportunity to explore your desires for your life, relationships, and work in the world, and create the shifts necessary for you to move in alignment with your highest vision. We’ll blend intention with action, for clarity and focus.

“Going on retreat with Nisha is life changing. I’ve been on retreat with Nisha 4 times and have already signed up for my fifth retreat! Nisha is amazing at creating the space you need to show up as your true self. She asks the questions that help you grow beyond your current perspective. To have Nisha as a guide and spend time in her space is a gift.”

Bailey Frumen | Author, Therapist, and Coach

“To say that Nisha’s retreat was transformational is an understatement! As a healthcare provider and owner of a busy medical practice, I was hesitant to take a week away from my brick and mortar business. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made since I started my practice years ago.

With Nisha’s guidance and the support of other ambitious, like-minded women, I was able to reconnect with myself and my sense of purpose in both my business and personal life. You will be surrounded by a sisterhood of women who operate not only from a pragmatic point of view, but also from their hearts and souls. I returned home feeling rejuvenated and with a renewed. There is so much more flow in my relationships and in my work.

If you ever have the opportunity to go on retreat with Nisha, do not miss out on this! This is an investment not only in your business, but also in your soul’s work.”

Dr. Janice Powis | Audiologist

Welcome to this clarifying, healthy, rejuvenating & adventurous journey to paradise…

Get clear on what your life to look like, and what kind of support and structures you need to have in place for things to flow.

Explore the areas of your life that most need your care and attention, map out the clear actions to get there, and form a Sister Circle for support and encouragement.

Immerse yourself in the life you’ve been yearning for, with plenty of rest, play, adventure and rejuvenation.

Develop a healthier and more reverent relationship with your body, where you’re both accepting of yourself and supportive of your greatness.

Evolve your relationships, so there’s more harmony, fulfillment, stability and support.

Be kinder and more compassionate towards yourself, and learn how to light the fire around your actions, without being a drill sergeant or a nervous wreck.

Sharpen your vision for the impact you want to make on the world through your work, your presence, and your daily actions. Gain crystal clarity on important decisions.

Develop in your courage and confidence, and learn how to express yourself with more clarity and power.

Deepen your ability to connect with others, so they feel heard, appreciated, motivated and inspired by you.


The beautiful surroundings and warmth of the community will help you relax deeply and soften into your heart, so you can hear your clear truths and inner wisdom. This relaxation will open your heart, your creativity, and your sense of possibility.


Together, we’ll form a true sisterhood of like-minded, ambitious women, that supports one another’s growth and freedom and champions one another’s desires. The bonds we form will last a lifetime, and you’ll leave with friends you can call on anytime.


With a deep sense of relaxation and the connection of a loving and supportive sisterhood, you’ll embrace a laser-sharp vision for your future that inspires and motivates you. We’ll break away from limited thinking to focus on what you truly desire.


We’ll explore any disempowering beliefs, unhealthy patterns, or ecological resistances that create “glass ceilings” in our lives & work, preventing us from having and keeping what we want. This is the key to attaining your desires, steadily and sustainably.


As we move through the week, we will slowwww time down, drawing the pleasure out of each moment and truly savoring the experience. As we slow down and savor on deeper levels, we transcend mindlessness, overwhelm and chronic busy-ness.


With clear desires and intentions, freedom from disempowering beliefs, deep support, and a commitment to embracing the path of ease, we can start mapping out clear, aligned action steps to take. You’ll have a map, and the freedom to move forward.


Rather than coming home with a notebook full of overwhelming to-do’s, you’ll come home feeling rested and rejuvenated, clear and inspired, and solidly grounded in your next steps. Because we use the retreat time to take action and to deeply rest, integration is natural.

There will also be a structure for support after the retreat, for further integration.

As heartfelt & ambitious women who are devoted to expanding our leadership, we naturally want to create more in our lives and in the world.

There’s a drive towards greatness that keeps us in motion.

On one hand, that drive can yield many accomplishments.
On the other hand, it can create immense overwhelm, disconnection, and pressure to succeed.

This retreat is an opportunity to slow down and connect.

  • Deep nourishment of ourselves
  • Space away from work and family to reconnect with our desires and visions
  • Support to root down and hear our inner wisdom
  • Guidance that’s holistic, creative, and wise
  • Plans that align with our greatest vision for ourselves and our work

The new era of women’s leadership calls us to stand fully for the change we want to see in the world. aligning with that in our inner and outer worlds – while discovering new ways to include ourselves and our wellbeing in that picture.

We don’t sacrifice ourselves to help the world.
We don’t sacrifice the world to help ourselves.
The world will be set free by women who are free.

“Nisha’s retreat was one of my favorite experiences of 2017! At the time, I was feeling overwhelmed in business and in life. The retreat was right in the middle of my non-profit, Kurandza’s #IStandForGirls campaign, which was a little bit slow to build momentum.

During the retreat, I felt so supported by like-minded sisters and had one-on-one support from Nisha– she intuitively knew exactly what I needed to hear to gain clarity to move forward on
my big vision for my life and my work. Not only was the retreat extremely nourishing on a personal level, but I also gained invaluable leadership skills that helped me make some big shifts with my non-profit. After the retreat, we received a boost in supporters, donations, press features, and collaborations. I believe that this was due to the fact that the retreat helped me get in the right mindset to show up as the best leader I could be.

Nisha is a truly special person and I look forward to working with her more in the future!!”

Elisabetta Colabianchi | Founder, Kurandza


Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8
Morning YogaMorning YogaMorning YogaMorning YogaMorning YogaMorning YogaMorning Yoga
Opening CircleSister CircleSister CircleSister CircleSister CircleSister Circle
Individual HotseatsBreathwork PracticeIndividual HotseatsIndividual HotseatsSacred Medicine Circle
Workshop: Traditional Balinese OfferingsAfternoon off: Pool, Spa, AdventureVisit to Balinese Water PriestessIndividual HotseatsShopping in Town with NishaAfternoon off: Pool, Spa, Adventure
Breathwork PracticeClosing Circle
Welcome DinnerDinnerCultural DinnerDinnerDinnerDinnerDinner

*This is a sample retreat schedule, and subject to change.



In the two months following the retreat, there will be a group coaching call, to connect in sisterhood and share what you desire support and reflection around, and to receive laser coaching from Nisha.  This is a powerful opportunity to break through any blocks that may come up as you move towards your desires.


From the moment you enroll, you’ll have this sacred online space to connect with the community for play, encouragement, strategy, and support. 24/7 sisterhood at your fingertips.


Bali is a stunningly gorgeous Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, beaches and coral reefs. The Balinese culture is one of deep reverence, and when you arrive you’ll see handmade offerings of leaves and flowers adorning every corner. Our retreat is in the town of Ubud, a center for traditional crafts and dance, and a thriving hub of health and spirituality. The surrounding rainforest and terraced rice paddie are home to breathtaking temples and shrines.


Our retreat will be held at Michael Franti’s beautiful Soulshine retreat center. Soulshine is described as “A place of happiness where you can chill in a fun, friendly atmosphere, explore the beauty of Bali, enjoy delicious organic food and let your soul soar in the sun. Whether your passion is practicing yoga in our rooftop studio, walking through the rice fields, lounging by the pool, day tripping to the beach, temples and volcanoes, or finding your perfect spot to sink into a good book, the chic and unpretentious vibe will make you feel at home.”


Soulshine’s rooms range from simple and beautiful to high-end luxury. Regardless of the room you choose, they’re all clean and comfortable with beautiful Balinese details, a serene feel, and in an absolutely gorgeous setting.


Options 1 & 2 are single-occupancy private rooms (you will have your own room)
Option 3 & 4 are double-occupancy shared rooms (you will share with one other attendee)

THIS RETREAT IS OPEN TO ALL WHO IDENTIFY AS WOMEN. If you are coming by yourself and choose a shared room, we will match you with a roommate(s) who best suits your preferences (we will gather preferences after registration). All rates are per person.


John & Yoko Luxury Villa

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement class for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

Prince Luxury Villa

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement class for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

David Bowie Luxury Villa

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement class for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

“Firefly” King Bed Private

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement classes for each full day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

“Sunset” Queen Bed Private

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement classes for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat       

“Sunshine” Double Beds Shared

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement classes for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

“Lotus” Twin Beds Shared

All registration rates include:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement class for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 meals per day (dinner on arrival; breakfast on departure)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

* Room-type transfers are only available on a case-by-case basis, based on availability, and not guaranteed. No room-type transfers after August 1st.

* If you register for a shared room and we don’t find you roommates, you will not be charged any additional fees.

“Elegant. Soulful. Nourishing. Magic! The retreat with Nisha was truly a life opening experience. The workshops and sister circles blew my heart and mind wide open. It has been months since the retreat, yet as I write this I’m getting chills up my arms as my nervous system recalls the miracles that occurred again and again during that week. If you have been called to Nisha’s work and the sun and sand are settling in your heart with anticipation, then make it happen powerful woman!

This is more than a retreat, it’s an experience that will expand you in the ways that the deepest parts of you are yearning for right now.”

Amber Campion | Yoga Teacher Trainer, Writer, Coach

I am passionate about the difference women can make when we expand our own sense of freedom.

As a women’s leadership coach & the founder of Global Sisterhood Day, I have come to understand that the intersection of ambition and ease is an access point to our deepest freedom and fulfillment.  When we explore what it means to truly dance at that intersection – fully engaged with our good work and fully engaged in our lives – we discover our true selves, and are able to align the way we live, love and lead. Sisterhood allows us to navigate it all with support, celebration and depth.

By saying yes to this journey, you are putting yourself in the perfect position to have your life and work expand in beautiful ways.  You’ll receive the support and guidance of other brilliant women who get to know you and love you, and truly care about your satisfaction and success.

This is an invitation to soul nourishment.

Will you join us?


This adventure is an intimate gathering
of like-minded women.

We have space for 16 women on this journey. We promise you that the retreat will have a feeling of connection, warmth and intimacy, rather than a crowd of strangers. There’s space and time to connect, but also to have time alone if you choose. In many ways, it’s a choose your own adventure, with lots to see and do, and plenty of space to breathe.

  • You care deeply about feeling aligned with your choices in business and in life, and making a positive impact through those choices.
  • You’re lit up by the idea of having even more play & adventure in your life.
  • You’re willing to do the deep inner and outer work, stretching out of your comfort zone to grow.
  • You’ll bring your enthusiasm and optimism to co-create a beautiful experience for all.
  • You absolutely love the idea of being in close community with other brilliant, loving, supportive women.

“Absolute life-changing MAGIC is all I can say about my week-long retreat with Nisha and the group of soul sisters that she brought together! Nisha can hold some serious space, and I can’t thank her enough for crafting such an amazing first retreat experience for me. The location was perfect, the food was divine, and the time in circle together was full of more love and care than I could have ever imagined. If you have the opportunity to go on a retreat with Nisha, DO IT! I promise you it will be an experience you won’t regret.”

Niki Wells | Success Coach & Mindset Mentor

This retreat is designed for all who identify as women. Must be over age 18.

Your retreat fee includes:

  • 7 nights accommodation
  • Daily movement class for each full retreat day
  • All activities listed on the retreat schedule above
  • 3 healthy and delicious meals for each full day of the retreat (dinner only on arrival day; breakfast only on departure day)
  • Private Facebook community
  • Two group coaching calls with Nisha after the retreat

Your retreat fee does not include:

  • Travel to Bali (the nearest airport is Denpasar International Airport – DPS)
  • Transportation to the retreat center (they can help you arrange)
  • Spa treatments
  • Additional food and beverages


* Please read cancellation policy below before registering *

Please select your room option to register

John & Yoko Luxury Villa

Prince Luxury Villa

David Bowie Luxury Villa

“Firefly” King Bed Private

“Sunset” Queen Bed Private

“Sunshine” Double Beds Shared

“Lotus” Twin Beds Shared

If you have any problems completing registration,
please email


Before June 18th If you need to cancel for any reason, we will refund the amount paid minus a $250 administration fee.

From June 19th – August 20th: There are no refunds, but if the retreat is sold-out, we will invite someone from our waitlist. If we are able to find a replacement, we will refund the amount paid minus a $250 administration fee.

After August 20th: There are no refunds or transfers.

“When I think about my retreat experience with Nisha, the word that keeps coming up is “magical.” From the incredible sense of community to the beautifully curated, healthy food, the sheer love that Nisha and her team pour into even the tiny details makes the entire week feel sacred. Having the opportunity to brainstorm on my biggest desires and fears with a group of like-minded, supportive sisters was priceless, and what I created in their presence both deeply fulfills me and fuels my work in the world.

If you’re ready to go deep and experience all the magic there, Nisha’s retreats are the perfect container for your adventure!”

Amy Everhart | Career & Business Coach

My body, twisting open.

My heart, softening free.

And every space

between every breath

brings me home

to me.

Footer star ornament