Purchase Full Year Access
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Because you chose to withdraw from the year-long course during the 7 Day All Access Trial special offer window, you no longer have access to:
- Opening the Portal – Our welcome materials that help you delve into, unpack, and deepen your relationship with leadership, and with yourself as a leader (including a guided meditation, audio recording and accompanying playsheet).
- Tools for Integration – Our ever-growing library of guided meditations, rituals, and a movement class called Embody Leadership.
- Monthly Full Moon Breathwork Practice – Guided breathwork practices designed to support you with moving through the mental and emotional challenges that may arise while you do this deep work.
- Artistry of Business – A four module course with soulful business guidance to help you build a beautiful business with soul.
- Our private Facebook group – A space to ask questions, share realizations, and let the community know what you’re learning and exploring.
You are also no longer able to access the remainder of the the year-long course that will be released starting December including:
- Monthly audio journey + meditation + playsheet – Each month we’ll be exploring one of the soul qualities of leadership. We will explore the deepening questions, rituals, and practices to embody these leadership qualities. There are guided meditations and writing prompts, among other supportive elements.
- Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Nisha – Receive personal coaching from Nisha twice a month on our group coaching calls, to support your life and work.
- Monthly New Moon Rituals – An opportunity to reflect, express gratitude, and set intentions every month
- Guest Teacher Interviews – A collection of 14 interviews of people who beautifully embody one (or many) of the 12 leadership qualities in their lives and work.
- Time Mastery 2 Hour Workshop – A workshop to prioritize your projects, find more time with your people, and experience more flow and magic in your life.
- Ritual Self-Care 2 Hour Workshop – A workshop to design self-care rituals and anchor healthy habits, so you can activate and create without burning out.
- Weekly Sister Circles – These will start meeting in 2019 for those who choose to join one.
If you withdrew in error or have changed your mind and would like to be re-enrolled in the year-long Soul of Leadership course (for $97 per month for 12 months) and receive access to all of the above, purchase access below.