Sandy Reynolds | MA in Leadership, Conscious Eldering Coach

“Nisha, this program, and this group have been so important to me walking in my truth. I am proud to share I feel like I’m walking steadily and unhurriedly into a destiny of my own making. I’m surrendering my fears of running out of time or resources, or getting too comfortable and becoming recklessly lazy. It is finally safe for me to rest, no matter the whirlwind.”
Sloane Kali Faye I Writer, Sociologist, Facilitator.

“I’ve spent the last 6 months exploring what it means to step into my Leadership with Nisha. The nuances, the characteristics, the passionate desire to lead with curiosity and inclusivity. The chapter on Trust was such an eye-opener for me! What a realization that most of the challenges associated with trust had been running as an undercurrent, beneath most of what I do! And this is so important to recognize, as someone who tends to take pretty bold actions in life, with this idea that things will just naturally work out…
I’m already appreciating the shifts that are occurring, as I connect with the energy of trust in my body, daily. And how the actions I choose are having an impact, from a deep grounded place of truth in this trust. Loving this, thank you ❤”
Xine La Fontaine | Conscious Sexuality & Empowerment Coach

“Soul of Leadership has been the greatest gift this year. During a time of huge uncertainty in life and in my business, it gave me the space to explore and heal at my own pace. One of the most impactful things that hit me right from the beginning is how Nisha always says, “embrace your pace.” THAT for me, was revolutionary. No other program that I’ve taken has given me such a warm invitation to slow down. They would either embrace my rushed productivity-seeking behaviors and encourage them, or not address them at all. Having a whole month to explore each quality and do as much or as little as you want/can has given me a space to start healing.
Since starting Soul of Leadership, Nisha’s focus on devotion has helped me launch a new program in my business in a grounded way that feels good for where I am in my life and my healing journey – instead of trying to ‘do it right’ or have it look the way it ‘should’. Thanks to the focus on nurturing and tending to the nervous system in SOL, I’ve opened myself up to beginning somatic therapy to go deeper on some of the things that came up for me this year, which is a big step and accomplishment for me. It’s also helped me rediscover my creativity. The rituals and practices are offered in such a beautiful way that it had me looking for where I could create beauty and nourishment in my own life – I even signed up for dance virtual classes recently (something I’d been deeming low-priority all year)!
I’m so grateful for this work. This structure feels more like the sturdy banks of a slow winding river rather than a building with stairs to climb. There’s nowhere to get to – it’s more like a coming home. Soul of leadership has been a beautiful year long practice of allowing, and I encourage others to give themselves this gift. It’s magical the way the different qualities explored each month just seem to show up in my conversations and the perfect situations are brought to light in alignment with what we’re covering. And Nisha and her team are there to support us with guidance and witnessing whatever shows up. But the program isn’t just supportive, it’s inspiring too. Nisha doesn’t pretend to be a Guru or know all the answers. Instead, she lovingly leads and guides this exploration as she goes through it alongside us with a sense of humility, vulnerability, and accountability. It’s so inspiring to be in her space. These are the traits I think we could all use in our leaders today, and this is the type of leader I aspire to be. I keep telling people in my life they would benefit from signing up for this, and I’m willing to bet – if you’re reading this, you would too.”
Michelle Zaylar | Love Coach

“In 2013, I was feeling very depleted, exhausted, and disconnected from any joy. I was always stressed out, overwhelmed, angry, bitter, flying off the handle.
I embarked on a deep spiritual journey, deep into meditation, coaching, and personal development. Through that journey, I found Nisha.
When Soul of Leadership came out, I signed up right away. I am so loving it.
The coursework and group calls create such a loving space that feels as if I can ask anything, and it allows me to dig much deeper than I have ever been challenged to. It’s been so different that I don’t even know what comes close. I have done SO much since 2013, and I came to this work, and I feel like this is what I’ve been looking for.
Soul of Leadership is deep, and it’s helped me realize that the answers are not outward – they are all within.”
Rita Aneju | Professor & Breast Cancer Researcher, Founder of a Global Consortium

“To say that SOL has been one of the major catalysts of my life would be an understatement. The amount of safety and genuine connection I’ve experienced by being part of this community has been world changing. Being part of a SOL sister circle for a year has been so important in forming inner safety and allowing myself to be seen in my vulnerability. I didn’t know such safety could be created with other human beings. It has rewired my nervous system completely, to be received and heard without any reframes or advice and in trust completely of my sovereignty.
The kindness and love on the coaching calls with Nisha was unlike anything I’d received in previous interactions with coaches. The permission to “come as you are” and the many instances I was able to fall apart on the phone only to be received with so much kindness have been so healing.
And the lesson plans in SOL and the breathwork sessions that were pre recorded but where I could feel Nisha and our sisters presence. I could speak about SOL and being in this community forever because they have been monumentally important for my life. In deepest gratitude to Nisha for the magic she has created and in helping me feel held, strong and sovereign. I couldn’t recommend more highly working with Nisha in any of her programs. She is the embodiment of integrity and someone I deeply respect. Thank you thank you thank you.”
Melissa Quintero | Entrepreneur

“Nisha is very committed to digging very deeply into her roots to questioning herself and her capabilities as a coach and leader, and is highly capable of making a beautiful space for women to do the same in their journey.
She creates an environment where she is vulnerable, curious, broad-minded and gentle, allowing her students to be comfortable to conduct themselves in the same energy.
I adore her heart, her energy, and connection to divinity and universal intelligence. She regularly searches for humility and growth within herself and is a fabulous teacher of truth.”
Danielle MacDonald | Chaplain and Visual Artist

“I have followed Nisha on social media channels for some time and have always been attracted to her vulnerability and willingness to lead through modeling. I found myself being called to the idea of leadership for this year, but was nervous about how that would integrate with my spiritual foundation. Enter- Soul of Leadership. This has been an amazing opportunity for my learn how to honor myself and my spiritual beliefs, while navigating the often masculine energy of leadership. I am truly blessed to be on this journey and I am deeply excited for what is to come.”
Courtney L Zimmerman | Spiritual/Recovery Coach

“I felt called to Soul of Leadership because have really struggled to see myself as a “leader,” but at the same time have always felt a strong drive to find my way of contributing to the massive communal effort of building a better world. Soul of Leadership is a beautiful invitation to deep-dive into what soul-centered leadership looks like for YOU, all while being supported by a beautiful community. This is my second year in SOL and I feel like each time I explore one of the soul qualities I am gently guided deeper in a way that allows me to continue to grow in really beautiful ways. If you’re considering joining SOL, I highly encourage you to take the leap. It has been a wonderful experience all around!”
Rachel Brown| Law Student

“Nisha has created a beautiful container unlike anything else I’ve experienced. The SOL course content feels warm, welcoming, and expansive. I have had such fun with the monthly new moon rituals & have been blown away my experiences with the full moon breathwork. I am continuously amazed by the gentle, yet powerful way Nisha invites us all to step more fully into the leadership roles we know we are destined for.”
Danielle Morsching | Teacher

“I joined SOL so I could dive deeper into what my Soul’s Leadership really looks like. Since joining I had so many amazing insights and saw a deep shift in my own sense of self worthiness. I also feel more inspired to create and lead my programs in a way that really honors my soul’s calling. I don’t take this lightly and I’m really grateful for this journey.
Nisha is such an insightful and sensible coach. Her lessons are delivered with love, wisdom and invite deep dives into our inner worlds. The program is beautiful and really does bring up the desires of the soul. I really recommend it to people who are willing to allow more of their inner truth to blossom in their leadership.”
Marina Nabão | Holistic Sexuality Teacher & Coach

“I signed up for SOL looking for a wholistic and high caliber support system for next-level embodied leadership. Nisha provides a grounded, loving, compassionate and permissive space for authentic expression which allowed my deeper truths to consistently emerge. I found the monthly lessons to be extraordinarily uplifting, thought provoking and resourceful. I’m incredibly thankful to have made this investment in myself and recommend this to any woman looking to rise in her highest potential. “
Aine Kimsey | Breathwork Facilitator & Couples Coach

“I signed up for Soul of Leadership because I felt a calling to something bigger in my life and I wanted to show up and lean into the qualities of leadership. I wanted to become a more impactful leader in my community and in my profession.
It has been an honor to grow alongside such a diverse group of women. It is amazing to see what embodied leadership looks like across such a wide spectrum.
Nisha’s teachings and the way she holds space for women to raise their voices and be seen…
The culture she creates within the group is a safe space to come and be seen, learn, and grow.
Soul of Leadership has allowed me to see massive shifts in my personal and professional life. Within this culture of empowerment I am thriving.”
Eleanor Foley | Acupuncturist & Meditation Teacher

“I instinctively joined SOL. I didn’t know much about Nisha, but her initial marketing of the course is why I bought it. There was an authenticity in her marketing that was so refreshing. And that authenticity was threaded throughout. I learned so much about connecting to the soul of how I show up as a leader. The course and her words continue to work on me years later. If you are on the fence, trust your heart on this one. “
Sue Vittner | Love Coach

“I signed up to Soul of Leadership as i wanted to be a part of a community of like minded women and to feel like i belonged to a group. I felt that it would encourage me to keep with my goals and my dreams throughout the year.
Since joining i think i fear of groups and women and separation in my mind has shifted. From taking the fear out of it and just calling in to chat in group sessions every other week to starting my own accountability group, i have felt more belonged and not so alone in my journey. Nisha has a wonderful energy about her and i really enjoy listening to her words as well as working through the play sheet. These play sheets and the breathing exercises as well as the meditations have really helped me connect more to my spirit side which in term has impacted on my life and i feel alot more congruent in my living. Its scary playing outside my comfort zone, but i am so much more happier and feel like i am starting to live the life i wanted and not the life i just thought id stay in as its okay.
Thank you. I would recommend this course for anyone as i got and am still getting so much out of it than i thought i would get as it makes you dig deep, process, heal and accept. Very awesome.”
Emmylou Shine | Artist / Muralist / Art Tutor

“SOL has been a transformative experience. Through Nisha’s excellent guidance I have been able to truly shift my mindset and fully embody the qualities of leadership that are focused on each month. It has impacted me both professionally and personally. I have applied what I have learnt through some of my most challenging times – letting go of what no longer serves me and opening myself up to new possibilities which I could not have imagined previously.”
Barbara-Anne Lewis | Senior International Programmes Specialist

“I joined SOL because I wanted to emerge myself in Nisha’s wisdom about leadership. And emerge I did and much more. This program, or should I say community of womxn, gave me an opportunity to ask myself the deeper questions about who I want to be. It was also an anchor I could come to whenever the situation with COVID 19 was too difficult to handle alone. I am grateful I choose myself by choosing SOL. Thank you Nisha for creating this vessel of transformation and community.”
Olivia Commune | Leadership coach and facilitator

“The Breathwork practice as it is a huge tool for moving me from my my mind to my heart. I absolutely adore each months topics and the monthly guide included along with the ability to go at your own pace. The access to Nisha’s wisdom in our monthly calls is divine. SOL is a living and breathing organism that is infused with intention and heart throughout the entire journey. “
Marjolaine Rose | Intuitive Healer and Introspective Guide

Nadia Maria Nacca

“Nisha embodies the evolution of leadership in this moment in history. The move away from fear-based leadership that craves power to love based leadership that *empowers*… YEARS after first finding her and hiring her as my coach, she is still my go-to resource for my toughest and truest leadership questions. She is intensely devoted to – and gifted at – embodying and living her message in every aspect of her life. Her business is not just a polished “brand”; she inhabits it, and her leadership is lasting because of the standard of self-awareness she holds. She is relentlessly willing to see and love herself fully (light and shadow) and she is the one I look to when I want to remember to do the same… I would like to live in a world where every leader is taught under her wing.”
Ginny Muir | Body & Soul Guide

“Community. Leadership. Presence. I haven’t found a place where I felt quite at home as I do in this material. I’m very excited to see this course, the principles, and the relationships I’ve made continue to have a deep impact on my life and leadership.
This course helped me focus on re-designing my life based on sovereignty. What a beautiful gift it’s turning out to be, and oh the power I had given away that I didn’t even know I had.
To feel that power and to feel my body being strong, it’s just unimaginable. I didn’t know life could feel like this – with “my” direction and “my” turn and “my” future and the things that are important to me. With every piece of my power that gets reclaimed, I just find myself sobbing… in the best, most cleansing way.”
Victoria M. | Creative Director

“I’ve been blown away by what you’ve created in Soul of Leadership. I’ve been so enjoying the content and conversation in SOL, incredibly vulnerable, real, and deeply expansive.
Between my studies as a therapist and now coaching I just had to pause and share this moment of reflection for how much has been evoked within me.
Outside of books, it’s been a while since I’ve experienced a conversation that opened my mind in such a way.”
Bailey Frumen | Author, Coach, Therapist

This program has taken me from “imposter syndrome” in cultivating my sacred work to genuinely entering into a state of leadership that’s feels inspired and totally rooted.
Also, Nisha is just a magnificent human, she has a way of making you feel like she is right with you holding your hand in this safe space. Her ability to hold space and offer guidance/reflections are a testament to the years of incredible experience she has.
I would be remiss if I didn’t also talk to the tender, loving hands of Dawna (the SOL community maven). I felt her presence every step of the way throughout the FB community and on the back end (tech support etc) on all levels you are just so fully honored. Deepest gratitude to you both.”
Jillian G | Evolution Coach

Debbie YD. | Artist

“Nisha embodies a powerful overlap of vulnerable authenticity with deeply empowered living and leading. She is simultaneously the wise elder connected to universal consciousness and the student with a beginners mind, always open to learning, growth, and expansion. In Nisha’s presence and space holding, breakthroughs are inevitable and life transformational. She has helped me have clarity around my gifts, humility about my process, and confidence in my organic leadership skills.”
Cora Poage | Spiritual Guide

“This program felt to me like a big hug to myself, to my projects, to my dreams and desires. Nisha’s sensitivity, tone of voice and wisdom guide me to the specific qualities I needed to have a look in my own leadership, and the opportunity to do so, allowed me to create beautiful resources for my clients, that were created from a very conscious and sacred place within me.”
Maru G. | Leadership Coach and Trainer

“Nisha’s Soul of Leadership program is a succinct and soulful approach to understanding and cultivating leadership within you. Not only will you be able to go deeper with each of the qualities of leadership, you might find yourself coming to a completely new and liberated understanding of them!”
Justine P. | Soulful Systems Designer

“If you are at all thinking of joining this Soul of Leadership program, do it!! Nisha has created such thoughtful, engaging, inspiring program to help us connect with who we truly are. This program has turned many preconceived concepts and limited ways of thinking on their heads and opened us up to so many new possibilities.”
Sue V. | Love Coach

“Coming full circle with you through this course has been such a gift. when we first met, I felt broken and lost, and as I embarked on the journey of finding myself, listening to my soul, and finding my life’s purpose, this course was exactly what i needed in order to fine tune my skills, and feel confident to bring my work into the world!”
Lauren C.

“Nisha is so generous with her wisdom and time. She truly embodies all the elements of the Soul of Leadership. She is such an incredible teacher and guide and it is always such a pleasure learning from her and benefitting from her wisdom. I absolutely love and adore her!”
Liz D.

“Nisha has created a beautiful model for leadership that I love and highly recommend you experience if you truly want to be the change.”
Majo Molfino | Women’s Leadership Coach

“Thank you seeing women leaders as the whole beings they are. Thank you for creating a program that nourishes the most important part of a leader – her Soul.”
Vana F. | Mindful Maker

“I feel that if you are wanting to step into leadership, this is an amazing course to take to further step into your power.”
Elizabeth R.

“I’m so appreciative for the recorded breathwork sessions. It took me some time to give it a try and to start using the recordings, but now I’m using them more than once a month and finding them to be such a support in moving through anything that feels stuck, resistant and stagnant. Thanks Nisha :-)”
Janelle Hardy | transformational memoir-writing guide

Kelly J.

“I did the breathwork practice and loved it so much. It was both clearing and nurturing. I had a major breakthrough this morning during meditation and it was so beautiful to see the healing and clearing continue throughout the breathwork practice. I felt a gentle release- letting go of feeling unappreciated and practicing deep appreciation for the woman that inhabits this body. I feel so much more room for expansion and for higher frequencies of love and appreciation.”
Eva Cruz- Pena | Healer, Speaker and Transformational Coach
“This is one of my most treasured “tools”- thank you for sharing this powerful work. Meeting and connecting with the soul of my business has become an essential ritual in my work. She provides the much needed support and direction through the unknown.”
Lisa Malia Norman
“This program has been such a rich exploration and I am extremely grateful to participate. I love that it’s now a year long program, I believe that this will allow the women to go deeper and turn it into a personal ongoing ceremony and guide posts to return to. This allows for longer time of sitting with each quality and fully embracing it through a period of time. I’m excited to go for a full year of Soul of Leadership exploding. This material is special because I feel that it can be revisited time and time again at different points of a woman’s life, and she will keep discovering new aspects of her process and growth.”
Anya Lei S. | Somatic Psychotherapist & Trauma to Thriving Mentor
“If you are looking for a way to be rooted and rise in leadership this is the program for you!”
Kacy Danae
“I feel a sense of genuine ease and support to your work as a women’s leadership coach and soul guide. Your essence and sincerity and the beauty you gave to the SOL community is seen. I really appreciated you responding to my email and answering my questions. You and your work is truly an inspiration of the work I would love to support my community with. Thank you for being a wayshower for me and I feel blessed to have been a part of your soul mission.”
Christine S.
“In Soul of Leadership, Nisha offers a refreshing, powerful perspective on leadership that encourages us to look at our whole selves in relation to how we lead. I love the different modules and how they invite us into self-reflection – and present some thought-provoking ideas to contemplate. I also really enjoyed all the guest mentors and their contributions to the different themes. The program is not overwhelming – so you can totally do it even if you have a full life. It’s full of valuable introspection and ideas that will help you deepen your commitment to your leadership – and to show up as the whole human that you are in service.”
Solveig Pederson | Coach + Teacher
Amber Campion

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