A 12 Month Journey
Embrace your innate brilliance. Expand your freedom to rise. Embody your true leadership.
This course is for women (including trans women, because…women) or anyone who identifies as such in a significant way. All sexual orientations are welcomed.
For women, rising in our leadership can be
both a calling and a challenge.
More and more, women are being called into leadership through building our own companies, rising in organizations, standing in our activism, and leading with love in our parenting and relationships.
For many of us, the time is now to rise in these roles we feel so deeply called to hold.
But our culture has a relationship with leadership – and women – that complicates things. Because of this, and our own personal and family histories, as we rise in our leadership we can feel…
• Internal “glass ceilings” that prevent us from having it too good in our lives & work
• Resistance and confusion around how to stand in our power
• Tense, overwhelmed, stressed, and lacking in trust in ourselves and life
• Weary or worn-down from the challenges of leading
• Issues of comparison, competition, jealousy, and judgment with other women
• Difficulty knowing and asking for what we want and need
• Frustration or confusion with how to create healthy boundaries
• Doubt that we are good enough, worthy enough, capable enough
• Unclear on our gifts
• Challenged to be decisive and clear, but also open and receptive
• Fear of being judged, attacked, or failing
• Pressure to be someone or something we’re not, in order to earn respect
• Conflicted about being visible – feeling unsafe to show up, shine, and be seen
• Hard on ourselves for not being more “feminine”, “driven”, “focused” or “further ahead”
And yet, we feel called to rise.

In our deepest hearts, we have no other choice.

So, we invest to learn the skills…
Perhaps you’ve invested in books or trainings to improve your leadership skills, learning how to be more powerful on stage, better at sales, more effective at managing people, a better writer, a savvier negotiator, better at time management, or better at marketing.
All of these skills, when taught well, can be valuable.
You may even have invested in things that you felt would help you look and feel more like a leader: Fancy photoshoots, business cards, a slick website, weight-loss, personal styling, cohesive branding, etc.
Some of these things, when coming from a healthy place, are valuable.
You may have invested in your spiritual growth and development, as a way to find clarity and momentum.
When your support has depth, this can be valuable.
But what if you could change your relationship to leadership and to yourself, forever, so you were naturally more able to stand in your leadership in every situation – personal and professional?

But there have also been occasions where all the knowledge and beautiful branding in the world weren’t going to resolve my challenges.
In those times, the issue wasn’t a lack of education or strategy or professional photos, but a lack of self-trust and trust in life, overwhelm, fear, tension, distraction, stress, and disconnection from myself and my path.
In my 12 years of coaching ambitious women, I have seen that when a woman cultivates a healthy and life-affirming relationship with herself and her leadership, she rises. And she’ll do it in a way that honors her needs, her desires, her relationships, her soul’s path, and the issues at work, at home, and in the world, that truly matter to her.
This is what the Soul of Leadership is all about:
1. The Soul of Leadership is connected, relational, inclusive, collaborative, holistic, and non-hierarchical. In this paradigm of true leadership, we are all leaders. No one is more valuable or “above” anyone else, and everyone brings their innate gifts and brilliance as a valuable contribution to the whole.
2. The Soul of Leadership is sustainable. It elevates not just our individual freedom, but our collective freedom. It elevates not just our bottom line, but our wellbeing.
3. The Soul of Leadership invites us to embrace and embody the soul qualities of leadership, so we are able to engage in all the activities of leadership – managing, speaking, writing, negotiation, sales, etc – with greater courage, depth, trust, and flow.
4. Soulful leadership nourishes and is nourished by community. Gathering in community is at the heart of it. It’s in the space of honoring, supportive sisterhood that we can share our deepest vulnerabilities and desires, so we can each rise to our fullest potential and live, love, and lead with our whole hearts.
5. To come into right relationship with the Soul of Leadership, we must do the deep work to identify and dismantle our internalizations of society’s unhealthy and unsustainable relationship with leadership, and the ways we’ve been operating from that place. From there, we can develop a direct relationship with the soul qualities of leadership, and practice living them in our lives in ways that are true to our souls.
6. We deepen in our embodiment of the soul qualities of leadership through gathering in community, inner exploration, ritual, and aligned action.
We are all leaders.
Our time is now.
Let’s rise together.

Nadia Maria Nacca

This course helped me focus on re-designing my life based on sovereignty. What a beautiful gift it’s turning out to be, and oh the power I had given away that I didn’t even know I had.
To feel that power and to feel my body being strong, it’s just unimaginable. I didn’t know life could feel like this – with “my” direction and “my” turn and “my” future and the things that are important to me. With every piece of my power that gets reclaimed, I just find myself sobbing… in the best, most cleansing way.”
Victoria M. | Creative Director

Majo Molfino | Women’s Leadership Coach

Ginny Muir | Body & Soul Guide

Between my studies as a therapist and now coaching I just had to pause and share this moment of reflection for how much has been evoked within me.
Outside of books, it’s been a while since I’ve experienced a conversation that opened my mind in such a way.”
Bailey Frumen | Author, Coach, Therapist

A 12 Month Journey
Embrace Your Brilliance.
Expand Your Freedom.
Embody Your Leadership.

We embrace and embody twelve soul qualities of leadership, through circling in community, monthly inner explorations, moon rituals, embodiment practices, and taking clear, aligned actions.
In Soul of Leadership, we explore one of these qualities each month, as a living meditation.
We look deeply at what’s kept us from fully embracing each quality… the personal, familial, ancestral and cultural wounds that have us contracting in overwhelm, comparison, fear, scarcity, lack of clarity, resistance, or stress.
Then, we embark on a spiritual journey using guided meditations, writing prompts, poetry, music, and other supportive elements, to receive a direct transmission of each quality. This connects us on the deepest level, to discover how each quality wants to be woven through our life and work.
Finally, we take aligned action in the world, to anchor these qualities in our leadership.
The journey is lush, supportive, and deep.
We’ll move at a spacious yet steady pace.
- Explore our library of guided meditations to connect with the soul of leadership, the soul of your business or project, and your own inner wisdom. This will set you up for planning an incredible year ahead – one that is truly aligned with your true calling, your wellbeing, your values, and your desires.
- Deep dive into embodiment practices, such as breathwork and movement.
- Begin to evaluate and unhook from the patterns and beliefs that have had you hiding, hardening, or feeling helpless and hopeless in your life and work.
- Find your place in the dance between doing what you say you’ll do, and honoring your inner wisdom and the truth of the moment.
- Be true to all that matters to you – in your heart and through your actions – without obscuring elements of yourself or your emotions, without letting your emotions take you down, and without overextending yourself and burning out.
- Clean up the messes in your life (unmet promises to yourself and others), and set yourself on an aligned path.
- Start making agreements that you can keep, while remaining committed to growth and excellence.
- Begin releasing the grip of impossible standards of perfection.
- Reshape your relationship with your integrity to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Stand in your full power and truth, while honoring others’ sovereignty.
- Explore the role of healthy boundaries that allow for love, growth, and connection.
- Recognize and reclaim the aspects of yourself that you’ve judged, feared, rejected, and disowned.
- Navigate the dance of self-reliance and self-responsibility, while still receiving support and collaboration.
- Shift patterns of over-giving, being in scarcity and self-protection, or giving your power over to others.
- Reshape your relationship with power to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Relax the need to know and the fear that drives our relentless quest for certainty.
- Deepen and improve your personal and professional relationships by seeing others through fresh eyes.
- Reclaim your childlike play and innocence, to invite more joy into your life.
- Open up to new possibilities in business and life.
- Reduce overwhelm around your personal and professional goals.
- Reshape your relationship with openness to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Explore the tightly-held identities that are creating stress and pressure in your life, so you can be who you really are.
- Soften your grip on the beliefs and stories that create tension and disconnection.
- Find new freedom to change your mind and change your plans.
- Release bitterness over what is or what has been, so you can move forward with peace and perspective.
- Find more flow with your work.
- Reshape your relationship with your perspectives to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Handle conflict with grace and care, by feeling beneath the words others are saying to notice what’s left unsaid, allowing you to take conversation and connection deeper.
- Relax the need to be right so you can be free.
- Forge a deep connection to your own feelings and intuition, so you can feel your truth and find your path.
- Feel agile and adaptable in your leadership – in business, relationships, and parenting – by meeting each moment and noticing what’s needed.
- Stop “spinning” on decisions and find clarity in each moment.
- Reshape your relationship with your wisdom to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Soften the edges of suspicion and mistrust so you can meet others with openness and trust.
- Feel less worry and anxiety about money, projects, and people.
- Allow others in your world to rise in their leadership, by giving them the space to lead, trusting them to do their best, and holding a vision for their excellence.
- Feel partnered with life, so you can relax into knowing that you are held in the greater unfolding of life, allowing you to make aligned choices with less worry.
- Begin healing past pain from being taken advantage of or mistreated, so you can be free to have intimacy in your business and personal relationships.
- Reshape your relationship with life, yourself, and others to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Find your resilience in challenging times, by taking the right lessons from each experience, and moving forward with a clear and open heart.
- Find your willingness to trust your calling and leap into the unknown, even though it’s…unknown 🙂
- Learn how to work with the fears that come up around failure, being judged or criticized harshly, disappointing others or yourself, or doing it wrong.
- Free your voice to speak your truth.
- Begin healing past pain from “failures” so you can rise again and stay in the game.
- Reshape your relationship with success to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Discover an energy of commitment and responsibility that feels expansive (not constricting) and enlivening (not overwhelming).
- Develop or deepen daily self-care practices that allow you to thrive and flourish.
- Weave a quality of reverence through everything you do, creating quality work, and bringing a sense of fulfillment to your life.
- Find the balance of nurturing people and projects, while nurturing yourself.
- Release attachments to the people and projects that you’re hanging onto tightly, so you can align with your deeper calling.
- Reshape your relationship with commitment and responsibility to be healthy, whole, and true.
September: FOCUS
- Clear away the distractions that have you feeling unproductive and unfocused.
- Learn how to sharpen your focus instantly when your mind, energy, and attention are wandering.
- Follow-through with your commitments, while being flexible to attend to what’s most needed.
- Move past “shiny object syndrome” to bring your vision into focus and hone-in on what’s needed.
- Learn how to stop self-doubt and confusion in its tracks, so you can continue to create, while still remaining open to emerging insights and necessary adjustments.
- Reshape your relationship with productivity to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Put your unique imprint on everything you create in a way that feels artful, exciting, and truly “you”.
- Move past black & white thinking and the frustration of not having things happen when and how you want them to, discovering new solutions and ideas that are even more aligned.
- Learn how to create space for your creativity to flow, so you’re more engaged, effective, and powerful in your work.
- Become a better problem-solver.
- Learn how to overcome “creative blocks”.
- Reshape your relationship with your creativity to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Develop your ability to receive feedback (even criticism), without being defensive and shutting down, and without taking on shame.
- Learn how to receive praise without deflection or discomfort, working through issues of inadequacy or guilt.
- Develop your empathy, and your ability to see things from another’s perspective, making you a better leader.
- Become a better collaborator, weaving together people’s ideas and insights for better outcomes.
- Open your energy to receive more goodness in your life.
- Reshape your relationship with your receiving and sensitivity to be healthy, whole, and true.
- Learn how to feel safe to shine, be seen, be heard, and take up space (while encouraging others to do the same).
- Work through feelings of being “better than” or “less than”, or more or less deserving.
- Embrace joy and allow it to expand and radiate through your being.
- Expand your sense of aliveness without losing touch with the pain in the world or in your own heart.
- Inspire and motivate others without having to use shame or fear tactics, or change something about yourself to be more attractive, lovable, compelling, or appear to have more authority.
- Reshape your relationship with your radiance to be healthy, whole, and true.

Camille Lindsay | CamilleLindsay.com

This program has taken me from “imposter syndrome” in cultivating my sacred work to genuinely entering into a state of leadership that’s feels inspired and totally rooted.
Also, Nisha is just a magnificent human, she has a way of making you feel like she is right with you holding your hand in this safe space. Her ability to hold space and offer guidance/reflections are a testament to the years of incredible experience she has.
I would be remiss if I didn’t also talk to the tender, loving hands of Dawna (the SOL community maven). I felt her presence every step of the way throughout the FB community and on the back end (tech support etc) on all levels you are just so fully honored. Deepest gratitude to you both.”
Jillian G. | Evolution Coach

Debbie YD | Artist
What you’ll receive in the course

Each month we’ll be exploring one of the soul qualities of leadership. On the 1st of each month, you’ll receive an email to let you know that a new audio chapter of the course, along with a companion playsheet, has been posted on the membership site (pictured at left). Here, we will explore the deepening questions, rituals, and practices to embody these leadership qualities. There will be guided meditations and writing prompts, among other supportive elements. The chapter and playsheets can be downloaded and worked through anytime throughout the month.

In addition to downloadable classes and playsheets, you’ll receive live support from me. Each month, we’ll meet by phone as a group so you can receive personal coaching from me, to support your life and work. These calls will help you clarify anything that you need specifically, in order to integrate the course teachings more deeply into your life.
There will be 2 call times per month, to accommodate global timezones, and recordings will be sent for each. If you can’t make it, you’ll have an opportunity to share your questions in the Facebook group.
Kelly J.

Rituals have been part of every culture, through all of time. They give us an opportunity to reflect, express gratitude, and set intentions. Each month, we will share a suggestion for a ritual you can do during the New Moon, to support you in embodying the monthly soul quality of leadership.

Breathwork has been a profoundly beautiful practice for my own personal healing and clarity. Each Full Moon you’ll receive a recording of a guided breathwork session, created to open the space for emotional release and intuitive breakthroughs.

Each month, Nisha will release a training to address an area of our leadership where we can commonly get stuck. These classes could explore everything from setting healthy boundaries, to asking for support, to navigating conflict with an open-heart.

Connect weekly for 60 minutes with a small group of women in the community – soul sisters who are there to provide witnessing, support, and encouragement. Should you choose to participate in a Sister Circle, we’ll provide simple guidelines and help you find a time that works for you. You’ll have the option to host a circle within the community, or join an existing one, and you’ll each take a turn sharing on the call.

The Soul of Leadership private Facebook group is where our community gathers to give and receive support, listening, and cheerleading. This is a space to ask questions, share realizations, and let the community know what you’re learning and exploring. Nisha, our Community Care Maven, Dawna, and our incredible team of skilled moderators will be in the Facebook group, too.

As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive access to Soul of Leadership: Opening the Portal. In this chapter, you’ll explore your relationship with leadership, and begin to establish a deeper and more true way of relating to leadership and to yourself. This chapter contains guided meditations, writing prompts for deeper self-inquiry, and a movement practice that will expand your heart and the embodiment of your leadership.

You’ll receive access to the audio recordings, playsheets, and online community, year after year, for the lifetime of the course. Welcome to the family!

I’ve gathered a group of outstanding teachers – people who beautifully embody one (or many) of the 12 leadership qualities in their lives and work. In each of the 12 months, you’ll receive a Guest Teacher interview, to deepen your exploration and take your aligned action to the next level. Their contributions alone are profound. (note: Hiro Boga and Nadia Munla’s contributions are part of our welcome materials, which you receive instantly when you enroll.)
Here are our teachers:

You’ll receive access to my 4-week self-study course, Artistry of Business: Building a Beautiful Business With Soul. This course is full of soulful business guidance on the four things that trip up many entrepreneurs and changemakers and the things that have made a profound difference in my own business:
1. Craft your core message
2. Create unique offerings
3. Envision beautiful branding
4. Find your authentic voice

A workshop to prioritize your projects, find more time with your people, and experience more flow and magic in your life.
When we’re rising in our leadership, we’ll often find ourselves holding so much. When the overwhelm hits, we can become reactive, frantically racing from task to task, or we slide into inertia and want to pull the blanket over our heads.
In this workshop, we’ll dive into creating a more sustainable rhythm with your schedule, and exploring the kind of support you might need (and creative ways to invite it) so life has more flow.

A workshop to design self-care rituals and anchor healthy habits, so you can activate and create without burning out.
With full lives and a calling to create and serve, it’s so important that we are well nourished, so we have the capacity to hold it all while thriving. Think of ritual self-care as both the prevention of and antidote to burnout.
In this workshop, we’ll create beautiful daily and weekly self-care rituals, bringing more beauty, magic, and wellness into your life.

This is an invitation to soul-nourishing sisterhood and expanded leadership. If you enroll for Soul of Leadership, you’ll receive a $500 discount on our Soul of Leadership Retreat in Bali. In this week-long journey, we’ll experience the time bending effect of slowing down and infusing each day with deep connection in sisterhood.
Together, we’ll circle in service of honoring and aligning with our individual callings, while bringing a depth of consideration to the ways that our work and ourselves are ready to evolve to match our values. In a space of care and connection, we’ll ask the hard but important questions, and be supported in embodying the next level of our leadership, and taking the clear and aligned next steps.
Here’s how to know if this course is right for you…
- You feel called to rise in your leadership, regardless of whether it’s through building or growing an existing business, growing within a company, igniting your activism, or leading in your relationships from a place of wholeness.
- You really dig the idea of being part of a thoughtful & supportive sisterhood of ambitious women on a mission.
- You’re up for moving through any of your own comparison, jealousy, or judgment, so we can all soar (we will explore these themes together!)
- The idea of exploring your inner realms – even the challenging parts – is interesting to you (maybe even exciting!)
- You’re willing to move beyond old patterns of overwhelm and overdrive, to embrace your true pace.
- You want to do your part to have our world be a healthier, more loving place for all.
- You’re willing to let go of the notion that the only way to be a better leader is to learn more stuff.
- You’ve been craving a deeper relationship with yourself as a woman and a leader, and with life as a whole.
- You’re willing to step into this course as a living meditation, creating some space to deepen into the writing and rituals.
- You welcome diversity, stand for equity, and care about kindness.
- Monthly coursework, complete with audio recordings and playsheets
- Monthly Live Group Coaching With Nisha
- Monthly Leadership Lesson
- Monthly New Moon Ritual
- Monthly Full Moon Breathwork Practice
- Monthly Guest Teacher Interviews: 12 interviews with people who deeply embodied these qualities
- Private Weekly Sister Circles (optional)
- A private Facebook group filled with women who care
- Lifetime access to core materials, year after year, for the lifetime of the program
- BONUS: Time Mastery Workshop
- BONUS: Ritual Self-Care Workshop
- BONUS: Artistry of Business – A 4-week course to build a beautiful business with soul

Sue V

Sora Surya No | Women’s Circle Leader + Business Coach

Joshua Rosenthal | Founder, Integrative Nutrition

Cora Poage | Spiritual Guide

If you dive in and participate fully, and you’re not jazzed with this course for any reason, you have until February 12, 2020 to email us at info@soulofleadership.com, and you can have all your money back. No hard feelings.

The world needs our leadership.
If we feel called – even if we feel overwhelmed,
confused, or afraid –then our time is now.
Let’s rise together.


Hi, I’m Nisha Moodley! I’m a women’s leadership coach and the founder of Global Sisterhood Day. I’ve been a coach for 13 years, leading mastermind groups, online courses, and nearly 50 retreats.
My mission is to gather women in sisterhood to deepen our freedom, stand in our sovereignty, and embody our leadership. I work with women who feel a deep calling to offer their hearts and hands in service to humanity, and do it all with creativity, alignment, and grace.
I’m a relentless seeker of truth & freedom, a devotee of love, a champion for mother earth and equality for all, a lover of everyday beauty, and a sometimes poet. I’m also a mother, partner, daughter, and friend.
It would be such an honor to get to know you and support you in embracing your brilliance, expanding your freedom, and embodying your leadership.
The work will go deep, and I’ll be there every step of the way. I can’t wait!

Her warm and loving presence creates a gentle environment for transformation and courageous living.

She is a powerful intuitive healer whose sacred work is to guide women to their truth facilitating and creating experiences for them to heal, awaken and rise. Eva combines her cultural background as a Puerto Rican woman with her professional background as a nurse, theologian, mental health therapist and certified life coach to bring a holistic approach to community care which allows the sisterhood to feel seen, known, heard, held, and most importantly, loved.

With a background in psychotherapy and coaching, her work in the world is in guiding creative, inspired and ambitious women to embrace all parts of themselves by helping them shed layers of social, cultural, and familial conditioning so that they can reclaim their Wildness, step into their power, truth, and joy and lead as the embodiment of who they truly are.

Profound thanks
I want to honor several of the amazing teachers and mentors I’ve had over the past 15 years, whose lineages I am proud to be a part of, and whose work has inspired and informed my own: Incredible thanks to Hiro Boga & Elayne Kalila Doughty for the many, many hours of guidance and support over the years, and around this program, specifically. Deepest gratitude as well to Ariel Spilsbury for bringing us the 13 Moon Mystery School, and for my anointing teacher Diana DuBrow of Ariel’s lineage. To Deb Kern, who’s grounded me back into my energy and path many times, thank you. Thank you to the Transformational Coaching Program – the in-depth 1 year executive coach training I did. Gratitude to NLP Marin for my Family Constellation training. For Javier Regueiro, who held me through deep work in the Sacred Valley of Peru, and who has shown me the vast range a human can express – thank you. Thank you to Marie Forleo, who was my business coach for a year. Deep thanks to Integrative Nutrition for the education that got me started in my work, and continues to be a foundation. Thank you to KC Baker, who helped me clarify my greater message and develop my skill as a speaker. To Heather Plett, thank you for your teaching and wayshowing around holding space in community. Thank you dearly to Andréa Ranae Johnson for your guidance and teachings on intersectionality, through Coaching As Activism. Gratitude to Debra Wright, who taught me how to connect with spirit guides and trained me in Reiki Level 1 at age 14. And finally, to Shakti Mhi, my first true yoga teacher to whom I am forever grateful.
Thank you to the friends who’ve offered both their friendship and direct guidance over the years, many of whom helped me envision this program: Becca Piastrelli, Briana Borten, Sarah Jenks, Kavita J Patel, Lisa Fabrega, Layla Martin, Kate Northrup, Jadah Sellner, Michelle Young Long, Liz Long, Stacey Morgenstern, Jena LaFlamme, Annie Lalla, Wendy Yalom, LiYana Silver, Jennifer Racioppi, Ginny Muir, Jennifer Kem, Hilary Rushford, Jaime Masters, Alexi Panos, Emily Olson, Emily Rosen, Ingrid Sanders, Natalie MacNeil, Renee Warren, Amy Ahlers, Julie Santiago, and Lianda Swain …and oh so many more.
Last but not least, thank you to the team who brought this program to life and are supporting its delivery: Dani Hunt, Rita Morales, Nick Testa, the whole team at No Typical Moments, Catarina Andrade, Dawna Matthews, Lou Jeannot, Lindsay Annana Mae Wilson and Hayley Lachambre.